Gaudí had a dream to construct a city that will make your jaws drop with every step you make. To build something that will enter the annals of history and will talestay there forever. To erect buildings that not only mesmerise their visitors with sheer opulence but also with incredible usefulness. He was not only […]
Europe has 46 countries, each of which different from the others. But that’s what makes the continent such an allure for international tourists.
What do Bulgaria and Iceland have in common? Besides that both countries are situated on the Old Continent and they offer jaw-dropping sceneries, Bulgaria takes the second place after the icy country in terms of diversity and abundance of hot, mineral springs. And since Iceland is quite cold most of the year, Velingrad, lately known […]
Irregular rhythms, enthralling music sounds, and gorgeous costumes. These are all characteristics of Bulgarian folk dances. When you’re travelling around Bulgaria, this spectacle of upbeat music and captivating dancing is a must-experience for every explorer.
As soon as the car engine was brought to a halt and I entered the wooden gate of “Levana Guest House”, an irresistible fragrance instantaneously seeped into my nose. Slowly, it spread to all my senses, which immediately commenced celebrating the tantalising odour. The divine aroma, coupled with Krasi’s home-made rosé wine, kept playing with […]
The alarm buzzed at 04:02 and completely destroyed the beautiful, uncensored dream I was having. It was Friday and some people were probably still having tipsy conversations about world politics over an aged whisky. However, I woke up in this dark, misty hour of the day with one thought in mind – RAFTING TARA! I […]