Capitals of Africa – Medium Home » Quiz » Africa » Capitals of Africa – Medium access_time April 24, 2016September 24, 2016 account_box Svet remove_red_eye 24566 Views What is the capital of Mali?*BamakoNiameyNouakchottUganda's capital is:*KampalaLusakaDodomaWhich of these capital cities has the highest metro population?*LilongweKinshasaN'djamenaMogadishu is the capital of which country?*Central African RepublicMauritaniaSomaliaDar es Salaam is the biggest city in Tanzania. What is the capital?*MoshiDodomaMwanzaIf you are in the capital city of Cameroon, what is the predominant language?*EnglishSwahiliFrenchWhat is the capital city of Niger?*JubaAbujaNiameyThe capital city of which country is closest to the Zambezi River?*KenyaSomaliaEgyptZambiaPort Louis is the capital of:*MadagascarMauritiusSeychellesWhat is the capital city of Angola?*LuandaKabindaBailundo Δ This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.