If I told you that you can cycle like crazy for an hour by drinking only one glass of water, would you believe me? I wouldn’t believe myself either. But if that glass is not only filled with water but there are also some tiny chia seeds inside? Oh, that would make an enormous difference!
✊ Superfoods are an indispensable part of healthy eating. ☘ Green, powder, grass – they come in different forms and show you how to live a ✅ healthy lifestyle.
Since my everyday breakfast is a palatable smoothie, I decided to share with you some insights about this amazing drink, and, of course, some ideas for recipes. Smoothies are probably the best way to satiate your morning hunger and they are extremely easy to prepare since all it takes is just a couple of minutes. […]
Widely used since Rigvedic times for its medicinal, skin-care, beauty, and health properties, Aloe Vera can easily be placed in the category “panaceas”. Indeed, more than two millennia ago, the scientists from Greece regarded aloe as the universal panacea, while the ancient Egyptians gave it the name “the plant of immortality”.
Aronia berry, also known as chokeberry, is one of those petite fruits that just burst with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and nutrients. First transported to Europe in the middle of the 18th century, the plant is resistant to pests and low temperatures. The only conditions it requires are humidity and bits of sunlight. This unpretentious, but […]
Since I consume hemp seeds almost every day either in my oatmeal or sprinkled over a salad, let me tell you why this superfood is so powerful.