Israel – the Ultimate Quiz Home » Quiz » Israel – the Ultimate Quiz access_time April 27, 2017January 17, 2019 account_box Svet remove_red_eye 168493 Views 1. We all know Israel’s capital is Jerusalem. What is its approximate elevation?*1100 m (3,609 ft)500 m (1,640 ft)600 m (1,969 ft)800 m (2,625 ft)2. What does Tel Aviv mean?*Old and newGo deepSacred CityMy God3. What is the largest port of Israel?*JaffaTel AvivHaifaMasada4. How many quarters are there in the Old City of Jerusalem?*ThreeSixFiveFour5. When was the modern state of Israel established?*1948-19491951-19521943-19441960-19616. Which river passes through the northern part of Tel Aviv and empties into the Mediterranean Sea?*Yarmouk RiverKishon RiverYarkon RiverHasbani River7. At what elevation are the shores and surface of the Dead Sea?*430.5 metres (1,412 ft) below sea level327 metres (1,073 ft) below sea level250.6 metres (822 ft) below sea level120.3 metres (395 ft) below sea level8. What is the approximate population of Israel? (2017 census)*4.6 million people9.4 million people7.3 million people8.7 million people9. In this regard, what is the percentage of the second largest group of citizens in the country – the Arabs?*20.8%10.1%15.3%33.2%10. Where was Jesus Christ born?*BethlehemNazarethJerusalemHaifa11. What does kibbutz literally mean?*ReligionCityHistoryGathering12. Which of these names is of a desert in Israel?*DrorNegevDeganiaYaron13. What is the name of the Israeli currency?*RialShekelBahtRinggit14. What is the GDP (PPP) of Israel in billion USD? (2017 est.)*50718731620215. What is the time zone of Israel?*UTC +1, UTC +2UTC +2, UTC +3UTC +5, UTC +6UTC +4, UTC +516. The most popular tourism attraction in Israel is:*The Western WallThe City of DavidOld JaffaThe birthplace of Jesus17. Which of these ports is located on the Red Sea?*Port of EilatJaffa PortPort of AshdodPort of Haifa18. How many international airports does Israel have?*TwoThreeFourSix19. The first acquisition of the American investor Warren Buffet outside of the U.S. was in Israel. Which company did he acquire?*CarmorFermentekIscarCollactive20. Per 10,000 employees, Israel boasts 140 engineers, scientists, and technicians, which gives it the ___ place on a global scale:*EleventhThirdFifthFirst21. As of 2015, over ___% of the water for household, industry, and agriculture is artificially produced.*2070255022. Who erected palaces for himself on the mountain and fortified Masada?*HerodSargon IIHezekiahDavid23. Shakshouka has varied origins and literally means “a mixture”. Introduced in Israel by Tunisian and Libyan Jews, its main ingredient is:*EggsAuberginesChickpeasAvocados24. Israel belongs to which of these international organisations?*NATOMercosurOECDASEAN25. In which temple Jesus is believed to have been crucified?*Lutheran Church of the RedeemerHoly Trinity CathedralChurch of the Holy SepulchreChrist Church Jerusalem26. Which is Israel’s largest urban agglomeration (not city proper)?*JerusalemHaifaEilatTel Aviv-Yafo27. What is the name of the Israeli parliament?*BakhutsAsurGeshemKnesset28. Israel has how many administrative divisions, including the West Bank?*TwelveSevenSixNine29. Despite more than half of Israel’s land area is desert, the country is one of the leaders in the production of:*ApricotsDatesAvocadosCitrus fruits30. How is “thank you” in Hebrew?*Toda (תודה)Tsahov (צהוב)Safa (שפה)Bevakasha (בבקשה)Congratulations on reaching the final question of this quiz. I hope you enjoyed it and you'll share it with others. Don’t forget to subscribe for more quizzes like this below:Type your email below to receive the best quizzes Δ This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.
oh this is such a fun post! i love the idea (and ah, i didnt even know all the answers!! haha)
He-he, thanks very much, Sher! I did my best to encompass very diverse things 🙂 Feel free to check out all other quizzes 🙂