Today, in the second episode of “Young Entrepreneurs Talk”, we are meeting another utterly interesting female who traces its origins back to (mother) Russia. This is Anna Howarth, who punches well above her fragile weight (and age) to prove to every woman out there that she (you) can be the next girl boss.
Why? Anna will share with us today.
- Since I have chosen you for my “Young Entrepreneurs Talk” rubric, you must be quite successful. Introduce yourself in a couple of sentences. Why do you see yourself successful in what you do?
I am Anna Howarth and I recently founded a new online platform called “The Girl Boss Movement”. Oh, I also have two other businesses, but let’s just stick with one (Anna is quite humble, isn’t she?). The purpose is to build a community of women by bringing together those who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo, who refuse to settle for average, and those who would rather build their dream life. Messages from ladies saying that I inspire them and give them the courage to chase their dreams is why I think I am successful.
- In the ever growing world of fierce job competition and securing your place on the work market, it is more and more challenging a task to stand out. How do you stick your head out from the hordes of people? What makes you unique?
I think it’s interesting to hear from a 22-year old that she “got tired of the corporate world”. Am I right? I started everything quite young – my corporate career, my own business – and this allowed me to figure out what I wanted and what I didn’t want quite early on.
I like to think this is a unique point of view and one that also allows me to reach a different market than would be allowed by someone older than me – people of my own age and younger – to try and let them know that, hey, if you hate physics, chemistry and maths, THAT’S OKAY! And if you don’t want to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an accountant, THAT’S ALSO OKAY. Because, despite what they tell you, there are other ways to live life.
I like to think I’m brave and fearless and that I lead by example – I think this is super important. I’m not just telling people that they can quit their job if they want, work online, turn their passions into an income, and move to a different country. I’m actually doing exactly that.

- How your clients find you? How do you find them? Share with us some hints.
*For TGBM (The Girl Boss Movement) at this stage, let’s call them potential clients. Getting involved in online communities related to your niche is a big one! I have met so many ladies in different but related, Facebook Groups who are now TGBM members.
*Instagram is great! As is just having an online presence in general.
*Attending events while travelling and networking. Generally putting yourself out there – you never know who might connect with you and what you’re doing.
- How do you juggle all of your daily tasks?
Yeah … I don’t really know. Let’s just say, thank God for vodka, I MEAN COFFEE!
I am someone who doesn’t believe in “I don’t have time” which is not really great for my beauty sleep. I still use to-do lists (despite some people thinking they are outdated … okay, then?) and couple that with scheduling. For example, I give myself one hour to work on one thing, and when the hour is up that’s it, time for the next one.
One other way is batching fidgety tasks such as checking e-mails and site stats, and allocating a specific time for checking these things, for example: Monday, and only doing them then.
To-do lists, batching, and scheduling – FOR THE WIN.
- I bet you have a role model. Who would be the successful entrepreneur with whom you would love to cooperate?
Oh, my God, I wish I could answer with a female name, but it has to be the one and only Tim Ferriss. His book (we all know which one) basically changed my life, and of course, at the time it was first published, it was a massive disruption to this idea that we all have to study hard, get a 9-5, and pay bills until we die.
Actually, recently I was involved in a discussion in which someone was wondering who DIDN’T like the book. Some people answered that they didn’t like his writing style and “his writing sucks”. I disagree! His writing style is one of the reasons I loved it, it’s conversational and hilarious with that bit of sarcasm which I like. Professional all the time is BORING.
Just on a side note, this is why we need The Girl Boss Movement – off the top of my head, I couldn’t even think of one female entrepreneur that I’d like to work with … that’s not okay.
*Hey, if you know a female who might be interested in working with Anna, contact me or her, please.
- What errors have you committed over the course of your career and how they have contributed to your growth?
Probably diving into some things too soon. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I would like to think about some things a bit more next time – more thought, more research, and more evaluation.
- Is there a universal formula for success?
Actually yes, here is where I tell you how to evaluate a market… just kidding.
There can’t really be – if everyone has their own definition of success (which they should), it only makes sense that the formula to get there is going to be different for everyone. As long as people get to the point at which they define success – they are successful.
- Let’s leave your busy work life for a moment, what do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?
You mean productive life, not busy … there’s a difference.
I love going on adventures, spending time with my fur babies, enjoying time with my best friends, EATING, and practising my language número tres – Español.

Also learning, I’m usually reading 2 or 3 books at once (I try not to do this, but it’s hard for me), reading articles or listening to audiobooks.
- Do you have any regrets?
Nope, and I never will. : )
- Why did you enjoy this interview?
It honestly really made me think! Especially the question about what makes you unique. We all need to ask ourselves this of course and it really is a hard one!
And I hope it also made you think. If you are in a possession of a female genitalia, check out Anna’s The Girl Boss Movement. If you are not, still check her website out.
In addition, visit her Facebook page, TGBM Instagram, and personal Instagram page of Anna.
Thank you very much for being with me here today, Anna. I am more than proud to call a 22-year old female entrepreneur a respected friend.
If you have not read the first interview of my rubric “Young Entrepreneurs Talk” with Desislava Dobreva, a revolutionary brand ambassador, check it out here.
Stay tuned for the next exciting interview with a young entrepreneur next month. May I wish you happy holidays and a year full of jaw-dropping surprises!
Are you a successful, young entrepreneur? Let’s have a chat!