Everything You Need to Know about China to Enjoy Yourself, Avoid Getting Scammed, and Travel Safely To-Do List Currency Scams Language Food Health Pollution Accommodation Transport Cities Censorship Festivals Religion Cultural Habits Why Visit In the last four decades, China has become an economic superpower. This resulted in an ever-growing number of tourists, visiting the […]
Tag: China
Straddling the Pearl River, a city of immense magnitude and beauty enchants visitors coming to South East China. Standing at an equal distance from both Hong Kong and Macau, Guangzhou is still not a very popular city among travellers. With this article, I hope to put it on the radar of many. I spent three […]
Lotus Hill near Guangzhou is one of Pearl River Delta’s popular hills, nestled in the eastern suburb of Panyu City. But before talking about this resplendent place in the mountain, having the same name – Lianhuashan (莲花山) – let’s chat a little about Guangzhou to get you better acquainted.
Yay, I have also come to join the ever-growing family of Liebster award holders! Thanks very much for nominating me, Mony, from Om Trips Blog. For those of you who don’t know what the Liebster award is, here is a short description:
Probably there is not a single person in the Internet space who has not heard of Shaolin monks. These tremendously agile and dexterous people are not only capable of kicking your buttocks. To gain the honour of being regarded as a “Shaolin monk” requires a humongous amount of resilience, dedication, motivation, and, most of all, […]