Yay, I have also come to join the ever-growing family of Liebster award holders! Thanks very much for nominating me, Mony, from Om Trips Blog.
For those of you who don’t know what the Liebster award is, here is a short description:
- It is an Internet-only award which is given to bloggers by other fellow bloggers.
- The word “Liebster” has German origins and means “sweetest”, “dearest”, “nicest”, “kindest”, “cute”, “endearing”, etc.
- It resembles a chain letter rule – you have to pass it forward.
- It is up to our own discretion to accept it and continue paying it forward.
- The nominee has to answer 11 questions and make his/her own questions for his/her nominees.
Let’s go.
- How do you imagine the ideal om trip?
My ideal om trip would be somewhere in the countryside (en la naturaleza, como dicen los hispanohablantes). I love exploring interesting places where the air is fresh, the greenery is lush, and you can pick up strawberries or other fruit.
- What’s your hometown (or where do you live right now), and why would you recommend it for an om trip?
My hometown’s name is Pleven. It is a beautiful town tucked in the middle of the Danube plain in the Northern part of Bulgaria. It boasts one of the largest natural reserves in the country – Kaylaka. There, you can easily do an om trip. It has cliffs, rocks, a picturesque creek, and splendid forests. Watch out because there are different kinds of serpents lurking around. I am planning to write an article about my hometown in the near future so stay tuned!
- Where can we have the best coffee (or tea) in your hometown?
Pleven is not a proud owner of many places where you can have a coffee or a tea, so I am inviting you to my home where we can sip Chinese/Egyptian/English tea in these cute cups.

- A special place you’d want to show us?
Speaking of a special place, I was recently shown some amazing stone carvings in the cliffs in Kaylaka. Take a look at the pictures below.

- Which is your favourite gallery or museum?
Although I have not been to many galleries or museums as I wish, I really enjoyed the Egyptian side of “Le Louvre”. It is not as crowded as the other sections and provides super interesting artefacts and exhibits. However, bear in mind that almost no exhibition in the Louvre is accompanied by English translation. I understand French so I had no problem, but I still find it quite annoying.
- What is the first thing you do when you arrive in a foreign country?
I smile, I make a photo, and I send it to my family and some of my best friends to tell them I have arrived safely and the place is awesome.
- Do you practise any kind of sport during your travels?
I practise sports every single day, so travels and vacations are not an exception.

- What do you collect from your travels – besides memories?
Besides collecting memories (and gorgeous women’s telephone numbers/Facebooks), I collect mental images of the place and smells/odours/fragrances I attribute to each specific location.
- Which is your favourite travel book?
Although it is not exactly a travel book, I really love Eric Weiner’s “Geography of Bliss” where he travels around the world with the aim of finding who the happiest nations on Earth are. If you have been following my blog lately, you have read about Project Alpha. Today, we gave its official start, so you can pre-order it here. I am sure it will become my favourite travel book, and probably yours too!
- Which is your favourite travel quote?
This is such a hard question, so I chose the first one which sprung to my mind:
“A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Lao Tzu
- Are you happy here and now? Give some advice on how to be happy!
I am happy, because I am, first of all, in a great mental and healthy shape. Secondly, I have a loving family and tonnes of friends around the world (they are growing every day thanks to this blog and other projects I am involving myself every day). And, thirdly, I finally believe I am on the right track and I doing things which are more than a pleasure.
Here are three things that I believe are of utmost importance for being happy – motivation, patience, and positive attitude towards life and its mystical energies.

And now, I have the enormous pleasure to nominate some of my favourite blogs:
- Ella from Wide-Eyed Wanderer.
- Neven from Journey to the Unknown.
- Samer from Wanderluster.
- Melissa from Goodness Madness.
Here are my questions for you, chicos y chicas:
- How would you define yourself in one sentence?
- Why did you open your blog?
- Do you believe there is something like “a soulmate”?
- Do you like cooking and what is your favourite dish (or your favourite food you have tried abroad)?
- Tell me a person you would like to spend a day with – would it be a celebrity or somebody you have not seen for a long time?
- Have you been a volunteer and for what cause? If not, why not?
- What are three things you always bring along with you while travelling?
- Which is your next country on your to-visit list and why?
- How can we find our inner peace? How do you find yours?
- Share with me 3 favourite photos – could be travels, could be from your hometown, etc.
- Imagine you could change the faith of one person or a group of people who is/are struggling at the moment – who would it/they be?
Have fun answering them and hugs for everybody.