She is crazy, she is sexy, she is fun. She is crazysexyfuntraveler.
But don’t be mistaken by these three adjectives. She’s so much more than that, and today you’re going to meet a truly wonderful, genuine, and caring human being.
Her name is Alexandra Kovacova and she finds adoration in travelling, healthy living, and swimming/doing yoga at various spots around the globe.
Can you travel full-time and be healthy at the same time?
How to turn a passion into something you make money from?
Is it too late to become a travel blogger?
These are some of the questions Alex is going to share with us today. Let’s see!
- Ahoj, Alex, it’s a real pleasure having you in “Young Entrepreneurs Talk”. Tell me something about you I cannot find on your website 😉
The pleasure is all mine. Thanks for having me here.
Hm, something that is not on my blog? Well, that’s a tough one because I am super open on my social media and my blog. But maybe I can say that I’ve always wanted to be or a model or an archaeologist which is why I’m so crazy about archaeological sites, such as pyramids, castles, manor houses, and all ruined buildings.
- You are the first travel blogger from Slovakia, and you stand out with your blog’s name. How did you come up with it?
Well, it was not my idea.
My friends and work colleagues used to call me ‘’crazy sexy fun traveler’’ when I would work as a flight attendant back in 2009 and 2010, and travel somewhere in my free time every week. So, when I decided to start blogging, I had no better idea for a blog name 😀 In a way it’s a good name when it comes to marketing, but then also some people don’t take it seriously, or just think that it’s a blog about something else, but traveling and healthy lifestyle. I think you can imagine. 🙂 [Svet: I can]
- When did you start earning money from your blog and when did you devote yourself to being a full-time travel blogger?
My idea was to make living out of my travel blog since the night I bought the domain in September 2010. For the first 5 months of blogging, I was still working onboard a plane but then decided to give a month notice at work and fly to Mexico to follow my biggest dream of visiting the Aztec and Maya pyramids. So, since Mach 2011, I’ve been just professionally blogging without having a ‘’normal job’’. In the first few months, I got many sponsors for my trips in Mexico, but
the first money came in in August 2011, so approximately 10 months after I started writing my blog.
- Alex, with which person you’d love to collaborate? Why would a partnership between you two be a success?
Difficult to mention an exact person. I can think of companies in general, for example, a big bikini company. I think the large majority of my photos are in bikini as I really hate cold weather, so I’m always somewhere by a beach or a pool.
And of course, a chain that has wellness hotels and does yoga retreats all around the world. I am a spa person who always talks of different spa places so that would be beneficial for both of us.
- How many countries have you been to so far? Which was the best and worst, and why?
57. Those I do count.
Then there’s maybe another 15 to 20 that I do not count as I’ve seen almost nothing there, or was just at the airport, or passed by car half-asleep or something similar.
My most favorite country has always been Mexico and I don’t think it will ever change.
I believe I was an Aztec princess (no kidding) in my previous life, so I’ve always felt a really strong connection with Mexico, its native inhabitants, pyramids, their Spanish dialect … simply everything in Mexico makes me happy. Locals are so positive and I am amazed by ‘’pueblos mágicos’’. These are cute little towns that are unique in their own way.
Another landmark that’s unique in its own way is Chichen Itza. Here’s an ultimate guide on how to visit Chichen Itza.
And my worst country? I cannot tell. I found something I like in each country I’ve been to. I am not a negative person and I always give a second chance to destinations, too, and not just to people. There’s nowhere I did not enjoy, trust me.
- Next to your native Slovak, I know you speak English and Spanish. Do you speak any other languages and how did you learn them?
Yes, I also speak Czech and understand quite a few other languages, such as Italian, Ukrainian, Polish, a little bit of other Slavic languages, and also Portuguese as it’s similar to Spanish.
My mother tongue, Slovak, is very similar to a number of other Slavic languages, and I was born 23 km from the border with Ukraine where our dialect is a mix of Slovak, Ukrainian, and Russian. And then, I was learning English since I was a kid, also studied at a foreign language high school.
Same with the University, I have an MA degree in both English and Spanish. Even lived in Madrid, Spain, for half a year. And as I studied in the Czech Republic, I can also speak Czech. However, since it’s so similar to Slovak, usually, it’s not necessary to use it, and we understand each other when one is speaking Slovak and the other one Czech. 🙂
I lived in Italy for a year when working as a flight attendant so to understand Italian is pretty easy for me, too. And having foreign boyfriends was very helpful when learning languages as well. Maybe even faster than studying at a University…
- Are you always on the road or do you prefer to stop from time to time at a “home base”? If so, where?
I was almost completely nomadic for 5 years or so and would go to visit my family in Slovakia just once in summer and then for Christmas.
But in the past two years, I’ve been home quite a lot as nomadic lifestyle gets exhausting, both physically and mentally.
I don’t find enough time to catch up with work, nor to disconnect properly when on the road… maybe because of FOMO and the fact that I might never visit the same place again. Thus, I’m trying not to ‘’waste’’ my time there working or relaxing but explore as much as I can, instead. So nowadays, I do go home to my hometown, Snina, in Eastern Slovakia every few months.
- You are a ferocious proponent of healthy eating and living. Could you give fellow travellers tips on how to stay healthy while trotting the globe?
Yes, sure. Personally, I don’t like to have a routine, but when it comes to healthy eating and mostly to exercise, I need one.
I developed a habit of morning meditation so every day after brushing my teeth in the morning, I sit down and meditate for a couple of minutes. Then it’s good to find exercise/sports that suit you the most and you always enjoy them.
Doing something you need to force yourself into will not last for long.
I love yoga, swimming, walking, and hiking so I do all of these as often as I can. Plus, I eat mostly just fruit for breakfast, and veggies and salty meals for dinner. Some other tips for you: Try not to eat before going to bed, but always wait for at least 2 hours to give time to your stomach to digest the food. Walk up the stairs instead of using the lift and walk everywhere you can. It will not only save you money for transportation but you will also burn calories 🙂 And drink green smoothies and young coconut water when you get a chance. They are the best for our blood and detox.
And maybe the best tip would be to not overeat. We tend to eat way more than our body needs.
- Up until today, have you had any regrets in your life?
Just two maybe… they are both connected with my brother and my uncle (mum’s brother) who died and I didn’t manage to see them just before it happened because I was abroad. It took me a long time to forgive myself, but that’s life, right? It taught me to always dedicate time to people we love. But
when it comes to traveling, no regrets whatsoever. It’s the best teacher in my life.
- Is it too late to become a full-time travel blogger now? What would be your advice to a person who’s just started his/her travel blog? How could he/she stand out?
Hmm, that’s a tough question. It is definitely more difficult to start now when there are thousands of blogs out there already.
Find something that describes you well.
We are all unique creatures so there is definitely something that makes you stand out. Maybe you have a weird obsession or you write in a rare way. Do it and be proud of who you are. Don’t try to copy others. Do things your own way. And if you speak Slovak or Czech, you can check my ebook about how to make a blog and live out of it. There are 200 pages of useful tips.
I agree with Alex that it’s getting more and more crowded in the field of travel blogging. It’s more challenging to enter the niche, but if you’re not up for a challenge, then you’re not cut out for doing any business, not only travel blogging.
Alexandra Kovacova has been through a lot, has seen a lot, and has provided some invaluable tips on how to grow or upgrade your brand. The most important thing, and a thing all successful entrepreneurs will tell you, is to stand out from the noise. Don’t copy, be yourself.
Dear reader, to follow Alex’s crazy, sexy, and fun adventures, you can subscribe to her blog, or catch up with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Thank you very much, Alex, for the pleasant chat. I wish you nothing less than sound health and orgasmic, unforgettable jaunts across the globe!
Don’t forget to check out the previous episodes of Young Entrepreneurs Talk here.
If you’re a young entrepreneur with a fascinating story, let’s have a chat!
Guna Meldere
Love this interview & the name of the blog, will definitely check out!
Thank you, Guna 🙂 The name of the blog is really catchy and so easy to remember. She has tonnes of great articles, too 🙂
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
Thanks so much for the interview, hope it inspired someone to travel more and eat healthier 🙂
I am pretty sure it inspired many folks to reconsider being healthy while travelling, and having fun and being sexy, too! Thank you, Alex!