I might have missed two months of acquainting you with aspiring, young entrepreneurs, but it’s all good since today, I am presenting you a real Latvian fairy – Guna Meldere.
Guna, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the friendliest, most gorgeous, and most sincere (most [insert positive adjective] and continue incessantly) personalities I’ve ever had the humongous pleasure to work, speak with, and have as a friend.
If there’s one thing you must know about Guna Meldere, here it is – she breathes art.

Thrilled to know more? I am too, so here are the questions to which she kindly responded:
- Guna, welcome to the hot seat. Could you tell us why you deem yourself successful in what you are currently doing?
Thank you for having me. I truly believe that when you do what you love, when you help others, and when you leave a mark behind – then, you can call yourself successful. And I can.
I am helping people create magic in their lives and I give them confidence and tools – I do their brand style {starting from fonts, colours, and logo, and finishing with patterns, icons, and web pages}.
I love art and I love communicating with like-minded people, and I can do both. It is amazing how I can be a part of something amazing as every brand has its beginning and its story.
- How do you cope with the competition, streaming from everywhere? What are your little “dirty” secrets to stick among others?
Magic 😀 But on a serious note, I think that there is enough for everybody. I believe in collaboration over competition and that is probably the secret. I think I have my special gift, what I am meant to give others, and I will do it, I am not looking around.
- How do you secure your customers and keep them, too?
I don’t. Maybe it is a silly and artistic mindset, but I think that those who want to go, will go, and those whom I can impact positively, will stay. It is just that Right connection. Same in relationships – you can’t make someone to love you or marry you.
- A person like you is insanely busy. How do you tackle the stress and the multitudes of daily errands?
I am still learning. But the best so far is being together with my family and in nature. Lately, I have learnt to take care of myself more and it is ok to do that, even if the outside world may think differently. I think you need to be in control of yourself to create.
- Should you need to choose a role model now, who that person would be and why you’d adore co-operating with him?
Hmm… I love, no, I adore how amazing Marie Forleo is – smart, sexy, calm, successful, and so in control. I do follow Amy Schmittauer a lot too; she is amazing with her work ethics, attitude, humour, and I just love everything she puts out there.
- How did you end up being an entrepreneur and how did your brand explode into existence?
It has been a long journey; I have been an entrepreneur since I remember myself. I started very early with apples from the garden and self-made cookies. 😀 Later on, I registered my company immediately when it was legal for me. I did not know what exactly I was going to do, but I knew I was going to be a girlboss. Since then, I have changed fields a bit, I have gained experience, and I have established great relationships. Everything before has lead me to what I am doing now.
- What is your piquant, delicious, Latvian formula for unremitting success?
Smile, be kind, and seek the good rather than the bad in others. Flirt & be unstoppable.
- Besides having a hectic entrepreneur life, how do you unwind?
I dance, I read, and I do enjoy everything that nature gives us. I like to learn about the magical powers of herbs and how the moon and nature impact our lives.
- Have you had any regrets up to this very moment and if so, what are they?
No, I don’t. Everything shapes me and makes me my best possible version.
- What would be your message to aspiring, young people who’d like to start their business?
Take something what you are really good at and mix it with your passion – educate yourself, don’t stop learning, and go after your dreams. Life is short, make the best out of it.
P.S. learn how to work smart, not hard!
Guna Meldere is a Brand Stylist. Guna Meldere is a dreamer. But before anything else, Guna Meldere is a mother.

If your brand needs a powerful voice and an appropriate attitude, Guna Meldere is your magic fairy that will sprinkle pixie dust to your benefit. When she is not busy spreading powerful brand spells, she might be found YouTubing or blogging. Her sincere approach and friendly attitude are truly admirable!
I cannot wait to cast spells with this young entrepreneur again and so should you.
Speaking of entrepreneurs, check out the previous interviews with Desislava Dobreva, Anna Howarth, Aleksandar Dimitrov, and Tonka Zorluer.
If you deem yourself a young soul armed with an entrepreneurial spirit, let’s talk!