I have this unquenchable and insatiable thirst for knowledge and learning something new every day. Although I strive to fuel it every single day, it seems that the more I know, the more I realise I don’t.
That’s one of the reasons my website is not focussed on one thing. Yes, it revolves around travel, but it also incorporates healthy living and eating, as well as motivational and successful stories.
I love writing new articles as this gives me the chance to bury myself in books, in articles, and in Google’s scholars. I guess my incurable romance with knowledge really became saccharine when I was following my Master’s programme in Leuven, Belgium. Even now I am tempted to share with you some information (and I will) about this lovely, brilliant town which is also a capital of the province of Flemish Brabant. It houses the oldest Catholic university in the world (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven or KUL) and is also home to one of the largest breweries on a global scale – Stella Artois.
Did I now answer your wondering why I am so much in love with knowledge? I’d be having a conversation with a friend and I would start telling him about a place or a thing. In the meantime, I’d (unintentionally) include a couple of (read “several”) innocent facts.
Let’s get back to my ever-growing affection for knowledge, which was further powered by the tasks and projects I had during my KUL’s master programme. I have carried out so much research during that one-year degree that it just fell like nature’s call to devour more and more knowledge.
As far back in time as I remember, I have always been fascinated with statistics and facts. It is absolutely no wonder I am a ferocious fan of quizzes. My love for travel stems from my passion and zeal for geography.
For this reason, as you may have well noted, I have created a quiz section on my website. There, you can find various quizzes. The most popular of them is the Ultimate Quiz on Bulgaria, which is no wonder as a good portion of my readers are Bulgarians. People from the U.S., Spain, and Israel can also test the knowledge of their own countries.
Sources of Deriving Knowledge
In an effort to further satiate my knowledgelust, I also recently created an account with Quora – a website where you basically ask and answer questions. Additionally, you can also write blog posts (it goes without saying that I have also done that). I love Quora and I encourage you to try it out (and also follow me).
I am also a huge fan of the website Jetpunk which immensely expanded my quiz knowledge (and now I am ready to win the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” game). The site also allows you to create your own quizzes there, so here’s a link to mine. I created most of them in 2014. This is the most challenging of all. I am going to move it to my website when my programming skills hit the next level.
Another of my deepest passions is learning foreign languages. I am learning my fifth now (all of them are at a different level so don’t be too impressed), and I am sure I am going to study at least a couple more in the next 10 years. I have started devising a guide on learning languages which will be alive in a month or two, hopefully.
What I love most, as you might have noticed, is sharing my knowledge with others and learning from theirs, too. Therefore, my dear readers and followers, I am open to any suggestions as to websites or anything else which is at the same time pleasant and beneficial.
Do you have any ideas? How do you acquire your knowledge?
Hung Thai
Haha, this doesn’t surprise me at all about you Svet. You have a true passion for learning. You’re a life long learner if I’ve ever seen one. My work is very intense at times so I try to spend my free time not learning anything. It’s not good practice but when you come home exhausted, you tend to want to do nothing. Time to dust off my old books and start reading again. Cheers!
Hehe, thanks very much for your kind words, Hung! Of course, I also relax from time to time – that’s when I travel, dance (semi-naked), or indulge into fine wines or gourmet delicacies. We should definitely Hung (read “hang”) out soon!
I cannot agree more to reading – I am also trying to devote more time on it! Cheers 🙂